What is Cancer?

Cancer is a leading cause of death in India. Cancer refers to abnormal growth of cells in the body. It can occur in any part of the body and based on the site of origin, treatment may vary. Although there is a wide spread misconception that cancer is a death sentence, modern medicine has proven that it is not true. If identified in an early stage, cancer is curable.

What causes cancer?

All the cells in our body are continuously dividing to form new cells. Due to various factors like environmental pollution, heavily processed food, radiation exposure, chemical exposure, the mechanism which protects the DNA is damaged. Due to this cells are formed with damaged DNA and they start to grow in a uncontrolled manner and spread to different organs in the body and deprive the patient of much needed nutrition, leading to weakness and death.

What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?

Each type of cancer shows different signs and symptoms, it is impossible to understand all of them. If cancer is formed on visible part of body it may present as a mass which may be hard and fixed. Cancers forming inside the body may produce symptoms related to site of origin like cough, jaundice, blood in stool, vomiting, weight loss. If any unusual symptoms are found consult a doctor and get evaluated. Early consultation is necessary because if detected at an early stage, cancer is curable. 

How is Cancer diagnosed?

To identify cancer, physical examination and relevant blood and radiological investigations are needed. Doctors take a history of symptoms and any history of similar cancers in family. Based on this relevant investigations will be prescribed to confirm the presence of disease. The following tests maybe prescribed by your Oncologist

  • Blood tests
  • Imaging tests like X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI or PET CT
  • Genetic testing if cause is suspected to be of genetic origin or familial.
  • Endoscopic examination if tumor is located in lungs or intestines
  • Tumour biopsy to confirm cancer. 

How is cancer treated?

Cancer treatment depends on type and the stage of cancer. Treatment consists of a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy as needed, in the order advised by your Oncologist. The following factors determine type of treatment.

  • The part of the body in which cancer has occurred
  • The stage of cancer
  • Patient’s general health condition
  • What type of cells are present in the cancer

What are the risk factors for developing cancer?

Here are some of the causes of cancer.

  • Ageing 
  • Family history of cancer
  • Tobacco addiction
  • Obesity
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Chronic sun exposure in Ozone depleted regions
  • Exposure to toxic radiation
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals

Cancer is a fast evolving disease which needs precise management by trained staff to achieve cure. If you suspect that you or your loved ones are suffering from cancer, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you always.